Developed Projects

Materials Available on the Online Collection

Researchers at CEBRAP

Organizations have already supported CEBRAP


In 1969 a group of professors expelled from the universities by the dictatorship founded The Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning – CEBRAP to be a free thinking forum for production of knowledge in Brazil.

Global Center

Active for 50 years, Cebrap stands out in the national scene with research projects, publications and seminars marked by a multidisciplinary approach, academic rigor and impact on public debates. Cebrap carried out more than 500 research projects, worked with about 200 national and international partners and consolidated a position as a high-standard research center, reference in the production of  frontier knowledge in the various human sciences, housing some of the country’s leading researchers and intellectuals and operating as a forum for debate on major national issues.

Cebrap is a global research center which establishes partnerships with institutions, development agencies and civil associations from different countries around the world, such as UK, USA, Germany, France, India, China, Mexico, South Africa, among others. Recognized as the 40th best public policy think tank in the world, according to the University of Pennsylvania ranking (2018), Cebrap carries out impact research both by subsidizing the formulation of new policies and by contributing to the monitoring and evaluation of public actions.

Multidisciplinary Research

Cebrap’s focus is the analysis of the Brazilian reality, with an approach that emphasizes comparative analysis and combines specialization and interdisciplinarity, in constant dialogue among the different theoretical and methodological perspectives of the areas of origin of its researchers: Sociology, Political Science, Demography, Law, Philosophy, History, Anthropology, Economics and Geography.

Cebrap currently houses 41 permanent researchers and 140 associated researchers, 60 of them holding PhD degrees. This academic staff investigates several subjects: Democracy, Collective Action, Development, Innovation, Cities, Urban Mobility, Inequality, Population, Healthcare, Education, Violence, Human Rights, Gender, Race, Religion and Drug Policies. Most of the research projects aim help on the decision making process of public institutions, civil associations and private companies.

Expertise in Research Methods

Cebrap is also known by its methodological skills, which uses both quantitative research, such as surveys, GIS and network analysis, as well as qualitative data, such as case studies, ethnographic techniques, interviews and focus groups. Furthermore, Cebrap develops data visualization projects and conducts thematic courses, methodological workshops and research technique training.

Knowledge Diffusion

Cebrap publishes its research through different media, such as Novos Estudos, which is an interdisciplinary academic journal containing contemporary research; the Virtual Library, the compiling of video archives and articles produced by Cebrap; and the traditional Cebrap Seminars, for fueling discussions on Brazilian political and social reality.

Experience and innovation

Cebrap has achieved a rare generational transition, functioning for decades as an incubator for new researchers, in professional and academic training programs at both national and international levels. The success of these initiatives can be gauged by the large number of researchers who have achieved prominent positions in universities, as well as at different levels of government.

As a result of cross-generational exchanges, research teams at Cebrap combine the long and recognized experience of senior researchers and the vitality and new skills of the younger generation.

Supporters and Sponsors


Support and Supporters


Structure Members


Alvaro Augusto Comin

Adrian Gurza Lavalle

Amauri Bier

Angela Alonso

Antonio Candido de Melo e Souza

Antonio Flávio de Oliveira Pierucci †

Antonio Ignacio Angarita da Silva

Antonio Kandir

Argelina Cheibub Figueiredo

Betty Mindlin

Bolivar Lamounier

Carlos Eduardo Torres Freire

Carmen Sylvia Junqueira

Celso Lafer

Danielle Ardaillon

Diana Reiko Oya Sawyer

Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques

Elza Berquó

Esdras Borges Costa

Eunice Ribeiro Duhram †

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Fernando Limongi

Fernando Novais

Francisco Correa Weffort

Francisco Maria Cavalcanti de Oliveira

Frederico Mathias Mazzucchelli

Gabriel Bollafi †

George Avelino Filho

Geraldo Müller

Gesner José Oliveira Filho

Guillermo O’Donnell †

Haroldo Torres

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

John Manuel Monteiro †

José Arthur Giannotti †

José Reginaldo Prandi

José Serra

Josildeth Gomes Consorte

Juarez Rubens Brandão Lopes †

Leôncio Martins Rodrigues

Lídia Goldenstein

Lucio Felix Frederico Kowarick

Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos

Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira

Luiz Carlos Costa

Luiz Felipe de Alencastro

Luiz Henrique Lopes dos Santos

Marcia Regina de Lima Silva

Marcos Nobre

Maria Carolina da Silva Leme †

Maria Flora Gonçalves

Maria Graciela G Perez de Morell

Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida

Maria Nazareth Ferreira

Maria Teresa Sales de Melo Suarez

Marleida T Borges

Marta Teresa da Silva Arretche

Mauricio Segall

Melanie Farkas

Miriam Dolhnikoff

Monica Baer

Nadya Araujo Guimarães

Orlando Sampaio Silva

Oswaldo Herbster Gusmão

Paul Israel Singer †

Paula Montero

Paulo Alves Pinto

Paulo Sandroni

Pedro de Barros Silva

Pedro Paulo Poppovic

Plinio Soares de Arruda Sampaio Jr

Rebeca de Souza e Silva

Roberto Schwarz

Rodrigo Naves

Ronaldo Porto Macedo Júnior

Ronaldo Rômulo Machado de Almeida

Rubens Murillo Marques

Rui de Brito Alvares Affonso

Sérgio Fausto

Teresa Pires do Rio Caldeira

Vera Schattan Ruas Coelho

Waldomiro Pecht

Walter Barelli

Fiscal Council

Paulo Mattos

Flávio Moura

Mariza Nunes

Carlos Torres Freire

Haroldo da Gama Torres

Jair Lício

Executive Board

Adrian Lavalle

Angela Alonso

Arilson Favareto

Eduardo Marques

Elza Berquó

Graziela Luz Castello

Marcia Lima

Marcos Nobre

Maria Hermínia Tavares

Marta Arretche

Mauricio Fiore

Miriam Dolhnikoff

Nadya Guimaraes

Paula Montero

Raphael Neves

Rúrion Melo

Board of Directors

Adrian Gurza Lavalle (president)

Victor Callil (administrative director)

Arilson Favareto (scientific director)

Bianca Tavolari (seminars coordinator)

Monise Fernandes Picanço (course coordinator)

Advisory Board

Antonio Ignácio Angarita Da Silva

Beatriz Muniz De Souza

Betty Mindlin

Carmen Sylvia Junqueira

Celso Lafer

Elza Berquó

Esdras Borges Costa

Eunice Ribeiro Durham †

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

José Arthur Giannotti †

João Yunes †

Juarez Rubens Brandão Lopes †

Leôncio Martins Rodrigues Neto

Manoel Tosta Berlinck

Maria Hermínia Tavares De Almeida

Melanie Farkas

Oswaldo Herbster De Gusmão

Paul Israel Singer †

Paulo Sandroni

Pedro Paulo Poppovic

Rubens Murillo Marques

Ruth Corrêa Leite Cardoso †

Vilmar Faria †

Waldomiro Pecht

Researchers Chamber

Adrián Gurza Lavalle

Adriano Januário

Alexandre Abdal

Alexandre Barbosa

Alvaro Comin

Ana Paula Galdeano

Andrea Marcondes Freitas

Angela M Alonso

Argelina Figueiredo

Arilson Favareto

Bianca Medeiros

Bianca Tavolari

Camila Rocha

Carlos Eduardo T. Freire

Charles Kirschbaum


Daniela Costanzo

Debora Alves Maciel

Eduardo Marques

Elza Berquó

Feliciano Guimarães

Felipe Szabzon

Fernando Bee

Fernando Costa Mattos

Fernando Limongi

Flávia Rios

Flávio Prol

Gabriel Feltran

Graziella Castello

Haroldo da Gama Torres

Hellen Guicheney

Inara Marin

Ivan Fernandes

John Sydenstricker-Neto

Jonas Medeiros

José Arruti

Jose Rodrigo Rodriguez

Lara Mesquita

Louise Nakagawa

Lucas Petroni

Maira Rodrigues

Márcia Lima

Marcos Nobre

Margareth Arilha

Maria Carolina de Oliveira

Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida

Marta Arretche

Marta Rodriguez Machado

Maurício Fiore

Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin

Miriam Dolhnikoff

Monika Dowbor

Monise Picanço

Nadya Araújo Guimarães

Paula Montero

Pedro Puntoni

Priscila Vieira

Rafael de Souza

Raphael Neves

Renata Bichir

Renata Ribeiro

Ricardo R Terra

Ronaldo Almeida

Rúrion Soares Melo

Samuel Moura

Samuel Rodrigues Barbosa

Sandra Garcia

Sérgio Costa

Tania Di Giacomo do Lago

Thomas Wissenbach

Tomaz Amorim

Vera Schattan Coelho

Victor Callil

Code of Good Research Practice

This Code sets out the guidelines and procedures for good research practices adopted by the researchers of the Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) concerning their teams or third-party collaborators regarding research ethics, safeguards comprising vulnerable populations, transparency, and anti-corruption measures.




Research ethics


Article 1 – CEBRAP seeks to meet the following ethical guidelines when pursuing its research goals:

I – intellectual honesty.

II – transparency and protection of privacy.

III – integrity.

IV – social and scientific responsibility.

V – equity in work and employee relations.

VI – respect for the country’s legislation.

VII – consistency with the codes of research ethics established by the country’s leading scientific institutions.

Sole paragraph. Additional guidelines and policies can be applied to particular projects, as long as approved by the President of CEBRAP.


Article 2 – We understand as scientific misconduct:

I – to artificially manufacture research data or conclusions that have not taken place.

II – to falsify data or conclusions, misleadingly presenting research results.

III – to plagiarize ideas or formulations, concealing the proper credit that would identify their original researcher.

IV – to disregard legislation and other definitions of best practices laid out in this document.


Article 3 – The research coordinator’s responsibility is to ensure their research to be in full compliance with research ethics guidelines.

§1. Any research conducted by CEBRAP’s members shall fully comply with the provisions laid out in this Code according to the Good Research Practice Form presented at the end. Therefore, any research containing the items laid out in the Form as “fully covered” shall be deemed appropriate after the research coordinator’s approval statement.

§2. In case a research is deemed as “partially covered” or “not covered,” a justification regarding the non-compliant items shall be drafted in the Form.

§3. A committee or reviewer appointed by the Scientific Coordinator of CEBRAP shall assess such justification. They may consider the adopted procedures to be sufficient or request new procedures to solve the issue, as often as necessary, until there is a final opinion attesting full compliance with this Code.


Article 4 – CEBRAP vows to make the results of their research public, as long as it does not involve violating any contractual confidentiality clauses, data protection, and the right to privacy.

Sole paragraph. It is the research’s coordinator’s attribution to ensure that data collection and storage are compliant with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law.


Article 5 – CEBRAP adopts the best open science practices and grants full access to its results through its Virtual Library or in a partner’s content database.



 Safeguards concerning vulnerable populations and social groups


Article 6 – No research conducted by CEBRAP, nor any of the institution’s contracts shall violate people’s and social groups’ rights, especially vulnerable populations.

§1. We understand vulnerable populations to be those who are not able to give informed consent and therefore cannot protect themselves against any material or irreversible damage, such as violence, exploitation, or discrimination – be it because of their age, sexual preference, ethnicity, race, gender, physical or mental disabilities that somehow have reduced their full comprehension of partaking any research.

§2. Vulnerability can also arise from particular situations, such as those experienced by migrants who are still unfamiliar with the country’s language, culture, and procedures.


Article 7 – Economic and labor relations between CEBRAP’s suppliers and collaborators, including all types of outsourced services and relations among researchers, scholarship holders, and other non-employment ties, shall be guided by non-discriminatory policies of race, gender, or vulnerability.


Article 8 – People responsible for events and other activities promoted by CEBRAP shall make a continuous effort to take inclusive measures that enable accessibility, operational adjustments, and proper material and language according to the needs of vulnerable people and groups or those with special needs.

Sole paragraph. This article’s provisions comprise the ongoing improvement of accessibility to CEBRAP’s headquarters.



Transparency measures and anti-corruption practices


Article 9 – No research carried out at CEBRAP, nor any contract signed by the institution shall comprise corrupt practices.

Sole paragraph. Corruption is understood here as any received undue advantage, or any expectation of future advantages due to the misuse of the power entrusted to any professional for their own benefit or to the benefit of third parties, whether or not it harms national or foreign public assets.


Article 10 – It is up to the administrative director of CEBRAP to maintain the administrative, accounting, and tax records used to manage the institution’s contracts.


Article 11 – An independent and sovereign Fiscal Board shall audit and analyze CEBRAP’s accounts under its Bylaws. The results of these audits will be regularly disclosed on CEBRAP’s website.



 Code of practice


Article 12 – Complaints involving any infraction provided for in this Code must be forwarded to CEBRAP’s Ombudsman, with the right to anonymity of the whistleblower guaranteed during the said complaint processing.

§1. CEBRAP’s Ombudsman shall be an outside person chosen by the Executive Board for a two-year term.

§2. The Ombudsman shall answer all complaints without distinction. When applicable, they will name two Executive Board members to prepare a report about the complaint, observing any conflicts of interest between the plaintiff and people involved in such a process.


Article 13 – The Executive Board is responsible for:

I – promoting the culture of best practices listed here to all of its researchers and outside collaborators through its wide dissemination, institutional advice, and everyday practice.

II – condemning and punishing any improper conduct.

§1. It will be up to the Executive Board – summoned with at least one week’s advance and guided by such report – to decide if the complaint is real and assign the responsibility to whoever caused it, by the majority of the present votes’ members.

§2. The Executive Board may suspend the researcher responsible for scientific misconduct for a period to be determined according to the case’s seriousness, or recommend the Members’ Association they be removed from CEBRAP’s research activities.

§3. Any appeal to the Members’ Association shall be assessed within fifteen days, which may, by most votes of the members present, maintain or reduce the suspension time, and, whenever deemed appropriate, decide on dismissing such collaborators.


Article 14 – This Code shall be made public, and contracts with suppliers and service providers shall henceforth comprise its understanding and agreement with such guidelines, under penalty of being removed from the list of suppliers and service providers, especially concerning the articles laid out in Chapters 2 and 3.


Article 15 – Any cases and situations not foreseen by this Code shall be analyzed by the institution’s Scientific Coordinator, who shall forward a proposal on dealing with them to the appropriate body, according to CEBRAP’s Bylaws.


Link to the Good Research Practice Form.


Professor Dr. Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin


Assistant professor at FGV São Paulo School of Law (Brazil), and its Law and Development postgraduate program. Coordinator of FGV/SP Center of Global Law and Development. Co-coordinator of the WTO Chair in Brazil. Current director of the Red Latinoamericana de Derecho Económico Internacional and of the Brazilian chapter of the International Law Association, and founding member of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL).


She has a Ph.D. from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). She was visiting scholar at the International Law Section of the Graduate Institute of International Studies (GIIS), in Geneva, Switzerland (2001), and Global Crystal Eastman Fellow of the Global Law Program at the Univeristy of New York (2007).

Communication Department

Strada Comunicação –

Financial and Administrative Department
Adilza Santos Almeida –
Eliana de Souza Vitor Costa –
Joyce de Souza Gaviolli –
Kelly Almeida –
Márcia Magnólia –
IT department

Completo Tecnologia –

IPP - International Postdoctoral Program

Maria Herminia Tavares de Almeida, coordinator
Vera Schattan, co-coordinator

About the Program –

Novos Estudos Journal

Renata Ribeiro Francisco, editora

Fernando Bee, editor-assistente –

R. Morgado de Mateus, 235 - Vila Mariana, São Paulo - SP, Brazil


615 Morgado de Mateus
Vila Mariana, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
CEP (Zip code) 04015-051

55 (11) 5574 0399
55 (11) 5574 5928