Central Banks in Latin America

Research group: Central Banks in Latin America

Description: This research network aims to convene academics interested in critically examining the power dynamics of central banks in Latin America, including their relationships with political authorities and financial markets across social network, institutional, and infrastructural dimensions. The research group brings together scholars from various fields, such as law, sociology, and political science, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue. Additionally, researchers come from various Latin American countries, including Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Argentina. Our main objective is to raise prominent questions guiding future collaborative research. This initiative is particularly relevant as it addresses a gap in social studies on central banking, which have predominantly focused on the experience of the Global North. From a comparative perspective, there is significant space to explore the specificities of Global South countries, especially Latin America.

Coordinator at Cebrap: Pedro Mouallem (Cebrap).

Other coordinators: Ignácio Schiappacase Bofill (UCEN); Paula Ahumada (Universidad de Chile); Stephan Grubber (MPIfG)

Researchers: Aldo Madariaga (UDP); Alejandra Solar Ortega (Universidad de Chile); Sebastian Salazar (Universidad Alberto Hurtado); Felipe Gonzalez Lopez (UCEN); Tobias Arbogast (MPIfG); Mario Gomes Schapiro (FGV)


