IPP welcomes new members

The IPP welcomed its new Postdocs on August 17th. In their first meeting, the new participants had an opportunity to connect with their fellow members and gain insights into the program.

Professors Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida and Vera Schattan Coelho discussed the history of Cebrap and the Program, elucidating the organization of meetings. Additionally, Monise F. Picanço introduced the group to the Cebrap Lab, unveiling a multitude of learning and teaching prospects within this diversified program, which she co-coordinates alongside Maria Carolina Vasconcelos. The IPP members also took the chance to engage in a discussion about the outcomes of the survey that participants had responded to last year. Elisa Klüger and Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira presented the data and guided the discussion.

Due to the widespread presence of IPP members in different cities and countries, the meeting took on a hybrid format. While those in São Paulo enjoyed lunch and participated in person, others joined virtually. Those in São Paulo also took the opportunity to capture the classic staircase photograph, which you can see here.

As this semester begins, the IPP is privileged to welcome the following new members:
Bruno Hayashi
Elisa Verdi
Filipe Nicoletti Ribeiro
Gabriella Maria Lima Bezerra
Julio Castro Alves de Lima e Silva
Leonardo Oliveira Almeida
Lívia Maria Tiéde
Mirosław Michał Sadowski
Renata Siqueira
Ricardo Juozepavicius Gonçalves

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